
The Mighty Black Duck

I have to take my hat off to the Black Duck. I cut my hunting teeth up in the Riverina and there was a lot of Blacky’s about. They are one hard bird to stop.  They flew fast and were v just about bullet proof. If I nab a Blacky I’m always pleased. As an eating bird they can easily be tougher than a woody or teal, but the flavour is nuts. I find the trick is to get lots of fat into them in the cooking process. My cardiologist recommends a mix of butter and olive oil. If you’re doing something fancy like a terrine or potted meat then a Blacky will give it a flavour punch. They’re also a lot bigger than most birds, so one blacky probably has two meals worth of meat which I find makes bagging one even more rewarding. As you guys probably know by now, my main reason for hunting is for food. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get excited when I hunt – but having a good stock of wild meat for my family in the freezer is what really makes me feel good. Which is why the bigger Blacky’s are right up my alley.